I LOVED this outfit so much, can't believe I waited this long to post it. Wore this on Sunday and didn't wanna take it off. The entire thing, well except for my tights, was thrifted. I picked up the skirt, shoes and top since I've been home, thankfully the thrift stores here are always well stocked with treasures.
The best part? The skirt was brand new, with the Target price tag still intact. I know the print is kinda hard to see, but it reminds me of a fiesta..green, red, white and mustard yellow splotches, super festive.
And can we puh-leeease talk about the shoes for a minute? Antonio Melani's with hardly ANY wear (no scuff marks or anything), 5 freaking bones. Now that's what I call a bargain!
Tomorrow I'm planning to show off all the items I've scored lately, including detailed shots of these shoes. Check back & see the goodness.

Jacket- thrifted
Top- thrifted
Skirt- thrifted
Tights- ?
Shoes- thrifted